
Monday 7 February 2011


After having a bit of a lull in inspiration for breakfasts, I turned to Gluten Free Girl again. Most shop bought breakfast cereals have gluten in, in some form. Yes corn flakes, rice crispies, and obviously anything wheat based contains gluten. I've gone through a few boxes of Whole Earth Cornflakes in the past, which are actually a God-send, This is the only shop-bought cereal I've found which is safe, although recently I've come to fancy a change to something more adventurous.
One thing I do miss is muesli, or even granola. Not that I've ever made granola or bought it. Just had it a couple of times in hotel buffet breakfasts! I love the crunch and the nuts and seeds, and that overall toasted flavour. Alas that is to be no more. Basic oats have gluten in so standard muesli, granola and even simple porridge is a no go.

Gluten Free Girl has recently published a recipe for muffins which look great, and would be a great breakfast food, although I am a bit scared about the amount of raw ingredients in the recipe. I need to find a local health food shop where I can get all the grains and flours she speaks about, plus I'm only just starting the gluten free baking thing, so I think it will be a while before I progress to this. Although, after reading her wonderful website for hours on end, I found a recipe for Granola which by all accounts (given the amount of reader comments) is amazing. Plus there weren't that many scary ingredients either. Most things are available in Morrisons! Well, apart from gluten free oats. Had to travel to Tesco for those!

Just as an aside, if you need gluten free and haven't heard of Gluten Free Girl, aka Shauna James Ahern get reading her website, book and recipe book. Even if you can eat gluten, read her anyway! Her writing is so inspirational. Not just about living gluten free, but about the joys of food and about life too. If you're feeling down, just log on to her site, you'll feel so much better!

Anyway, Granola. A quick google, and the difference between granola and muesli is what seems to be the baking process. I suppose that is obvious given the texture and the ingredients, but honestly, I'd never given the matter any thought. I assumed Granola was a posh way of talking about muesli. Anyway, I digress.

Before Baking
I won't re-produce Shauna's recipe, as you can find it here (along with a lovely piece about friendship, and obviously food). But basically it is a lovely mixture of oats, nuts, fruit, seeds, ginger and cinnamon with a bit of maple syrup throughout. It is baked in the oven and stirred several times until it is golden and crisp.

This will certainly be the breakfast of choice in this house for the next few days, until the batch runs out. Then we'll have to stock up those oats again.

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