
Friday 19 November 2010

Cafe de Bourg de Four, Geneva, Switzerland

Our last post on our trip to Switzerland.
As with most things, our trip around Geneva was mostly about the food. We'd discovered Cafe de Bourg de Four earlier while in search of something gluten free for lunch.
It is situated in Place de Bourg de Four along with several other cafes, restaurants, choclateries, and we were directed to Cafe de Bourg de Four when we asked in other cafe if they did anything that wasn't made out of bread. Unfortunately by the time we headed over the place was heaving with what looked like everyone on their lunch breaks from work. The menu looked great, and it indeed had the bread-less item of Rosti on the menu.
This was another classic Swiss dish that we were on a mission to try before we left Switzerland.

We returned the next day, early enough to get a table before the workers entered.

The restaurant was deceptive in size, going back quite a long way. It had lots of vintage posters on the walls and ceiling which added to the character of the place.

Ceiling posters
We didn't really need much time to look at the menu as we both new what we wanted to order: Rosti. There were, however, several Rostis to choose from. With egg, with cheese, with ham, with all of them etc.
This was our last meal in Geneva and Switzerland so we opted for the Rosti with cheese, ham and egg, and to balance things, a green salad to start.

Green Salad

Rosti with ham, cheese and eggs.
Barbara told us that Rosti is best made the day after Raclette, as the left over boiled potatoes work very well, and in fact recipes that we have since looked up and tried all say to leave the par-boiled potatoes to cool completely.

The Rosti was lovely, everything I'd hoped. Crispy on the outside and with lovely melted cheese towards the centre. I hadn't really expected a big slab of ham on the top, I thought it would have been within the grated potato itself, but maybe that would make it a different dish? It was very filling, and I couldn't eat it all. But it was a very satisfying meal and saw us right through our journey back to Manchester.

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