
Wednesday 6 October 2010

A simple cheese and mushroom sauce

We had a very simple dish a few days ago that we didn't think really warranted a post but then sometimes an idea is all you need.  When we visited the Marple Food and Drink Festival we bought some Venison Burgers from a local farm shop.  I cannot remember the name of the farm I am afraid but pretty sure they were from Todmorden!  Sorry that doesn't help.  Anyway the point of the post is the sauce we made to go with the Venison.

Venison Burger with a Cheese and Mushroom Sauce
What you will need:

Shallots (finely chopped)
Mushrooms (roughly Chopped)
White Stilton (small cubes)
Double Cream
White Wine
Salt and Pepper to season

First fry the shallots and mushrooms gently for about 10 minutes until the shallots soften and the mushrooms deepen in colour. Then add about a glass of white wine and reduce it by half. Stir in enough double cream to get the consistency you want and enough cubes of the cheese to add the required flavour. This does involve tasting to get the balance right. I think I added too much cheese really as it seemed to over-power the mushroom flavour a little, but we do like cheesy sauces!

The sauce went well with the meat, and something similar could be used for steak and other cuts.  Perhaps think about the cut of meat when deciding how rich you want it.  You could use a different cheese or less of it to make it milder if the meat is very delicate.  The wedges you see were homemade by par boiling and baking with salt, pepper and Greek oregano.

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