
Tuesday 17 August 2010

Garlic and Basil Drenched Chicken

And now for something a little bit healthy.  Fran normally likes a lot of sauce with her food so I took a chance with this one.  I caught a glance of a lovely looking healthy coleslaw by Rick Stein while half watching Good Food the other day.  He had served it as part of a Greek plate with kebabs and tzatziki but I didn't really fancy that so I searched for a recipe based on what I had in at the time.

In the end I went for a Garlic and Basil Drenched Chicken.  It is a very simple marinade and made use of the basil we had left from last week's fish dish.

First I prepared the chicken:

3 Cloves of Garlic
1 Tsp Salt
Handful of Chopped Basil
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
Lemon Juice (a few drops)
2 Chicken Breast Fillets
Black Pepper to taste


Blitz the garlic, salt, basil and pepper in a mini chopper
Add the oil and mix till it becomes a paste
Flatten the chicken in a freezer bag with a rolling pin and add the paste to coat the chicken
Keep in fridge till ready to cook

Then I prepared the Carrot Salad / Coleslaw:

2 large carrots
Quarter spring cabbage (Rick used Kohlrabi but I shop at Morrison's!!)
2 Tbsp Sunflower Oil
4 Tsp Cumin Seeds
4 Tsp Lemon Juice (about half a good sized lemon, juiced)
1 Tsp Salt

Shred the carrots and cabbage, add salt and mix.  Heat the oil and add cumin for about 30 seconds.  Mix with veg and add lemon juice:

Carrot Salad

When you are ready to eat cook chicken for 4/5 mins on each side on a hot griddle and serve with the salad:

Basil Drenched Chicken and Carrot Salad

The proportions in the salad make about 5 times what you see served here.  I am not sure how long it will last covered in the fridge but I reckon it would be ok for a few days.

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